
Real Estate & Construction

At FD, we help real estate and construction companies of all sizes build a strong foundation for growth so they can move forward in any market with confidence.

How We Help

Navigating Your Financial Responsibilities & Opportunities

FD CPAs and advisors are well versed in the needs of individuals and companies that develop, own, invest in, manage and finance real estate projects.

For developers, asset and property management firms, lenders, investors, brokers and brokerage firms, we perform audits, reviews and compilations of financial statements, and prepare tax returns. The FD team also includes specialty practice groups dedicated to Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Timber Investment Funds.

Tax Planning for Construction

Maximizing Cashflow Through Tax Planning

Construction companies operate in a challenging environment. Cost pressures create a constant need to have lean, efficient operations; juggling financing of projects presents unique challenges; operating across multiple legal jurisdictions presents a myriad of accounting and tax compliance complexities.

Whether you are a small business or a national brand, the CPAs and advisors at FD will help you keep up with requirements and make enhancements to your business.

Case Study

Real Estate & Construction

FD Oversees Building Company IPO


A $760M operative building company began a decades-long partnership with FD after a merger in 2011. When the company went public in 2023, they required a shift in services.


FD facilitated a seamless transition to its Big 4 auditor of record, providing holistic support via accounting consultations, valuation services and tax-related matters. The partnership’s efficacy was signified by a successful NYSE debut, marking its successful journey through the public domain.

Challenges We Address

Real Estate Tax Credits

REIT Services

Revenue Recognition & Lease Accounting

Gain Deferral

Opportunity Zones

Historic Rehabilitation

Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

New Markets Tax Credits

Pass-Through Guidance

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Let us know what your business needs are, and we’ll take it from there.